
My approach is based on Transactional Analysis (TA) Psychotherapy. This is an integrative approach grounded in a humanistic philosophy. It has a solid academic and research base in theories of personality, communication and child development.  It is used in both educational and organisational settings as well as at the individual level. 

The relational model of TA has developed as a result of a large body of research which has shown that the relationship between therapist and client is central to the effectiveness of the therapy. Through this relationship, clients can deepen their self-awareness, not only of their behavioural patterns, and what they experience as conscious feelings and emotions, but also of what is happening for them at an unconscious level. 

That involves an exploration of the origins of feelings. I draw on my training in attachment theory to help clients understand how early relational patterns might be impacting current relationships, including self-belief, personal relationships or work and professional relationships. 

There is a strong focus on personal growth and well-being. 

Adapted from S. Karpman (1968)

I offer short and long-term counselling. Short term therapy can be helpful where there is a specific issue that you want to address, such as anxiety about an event, personal situation, work-related concern, loss of a job or relationship. Longer-term work may be indicated where there are underlying issues which may be out of conscious awareness, but which impact how you are feeling, behaving and thinking. 


Adapted from Ernst, F.H. (1971)

Please contact me for more information and to make an appointment.


Kate Knight Psychotherapeutic Counselling and Coaching