
My coaching approach is based on a belief that if organisations are to thrive, the individuals within the organisation need to be encouraged and supported to reach their full potential. This is best achieved through recognising that diversity of thought, experience, beliefs, and talents leads to growth and enrichment of the individual, their peers, managers, organisation, and society as a whole.


The Iceberg Model

The iceberg Model

There is a close connection between my psychotherapeutic counselling practice and my coaching practice. I draw on a variety of psychological theories and models to establish a learning environment which enables personal and professional growth. I also draw on years of experience working across the public sector and in diverse cultural environments.

I have a particular interest in workplace well-being and in promoting self-awareness, self-compassion, self-care, emotional regulation, self-confidence and self-motivation, all of which contribute to reducing stress and burn-out. 

The coaching contract will depend on the individual needs of the client.


Johari’s Window

Johari’s Window (The Johari Window: Joe Luft & Harry Ingham 1969)

Please contact me to discuss your needs.


Kate Knight Psychotherapeutic Counselling and Coaching